The Dragon Con 2022 Report

I had the time of my life.

I have been going to Dragon Con off and on since 2010. Every year, I learn a little bit and get a little familiar with where to go and what to do. The big difference this year is that I didn’t even bother to go any of the celebrity stuff. I spent all of my time either with my friends at the Digital Media track or taking my kiddo to see stuff that he would enjoy.

It’s really the best flippin’ place to be a nerd.

I’ve already booked for next year, so if you are swinging by this site, I hope you decide to come next year! We’re hoping to have an even bigger presence from the LoD and maybe even shoot for an actual meetup! It was an absolute treasure to spend time with all of the cool folks there and I can’t wait to get back. The countdown begins!